Digital Money & Finance

The digital transformation is a megatrend that is having profound impacts on the monetary system as well as on financial markets, products, and institutions. While new solutions in the domains of big data, AI, and blockchain technology can lead to improvements in security, efficiency, and transparency, they are not without risks.

By giving rise to new business models, the digital transformation has the potential to disrupt entire markets. It has wide-reaching implications for market actors and value creation chains. These changes are of great relevance for market authorities not only because of potential impacts to financial stability; new technologies have also been transforming how central banks operate, as illustrated by the rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

Our research on digital money and finance covers a broad range of topics, including the opportunities and risks posed by new technologies for consumers, investors, service providers, and regulators. Significant attention is also devoted to macroeconomic implications. Interdisciplinary collaboration is particularly important given the legal and regulatory questions that arise in this field, and the associated need for expertise in data analytics and computer science.

Activities at the House of Finance

03/07/25 | SAFE: Workshop

With the rise of digital money - in its various forms ranging from central bank digital…

With the rise of digital money - in its various forms ranging from central bank digital currency (CBDC) to crypto-assets and digital payment applications—tax policy and administration ought…

12/02/24 | CFS: Event

- in Kooperation mit dem Bankenverband Mitte e.V. Blockchain-Technologie in der…

- in Kooperation mit dem Bankenverband Mitte e.V. Blockchain-Technologie in der Finanzindustrie – Use Cases und Entwicklungsperspektiven. Die Veranstaltung findet in Präsenz auf dem Campus…

02/07/24 | SAFE: Seminar

The Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE organizes and cordially invites you to…

The Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE organizes and cordially invites you to attend the next SAFE Digital Finance Seminar: Decentralized Pricing on Platforms.

01/31/24 | CFS: Working Paper

Can competing stablecoins produce efficient and stable outcomes? We study competition…

Can competing stablecoins produce efficient and stable outcomes? We study competition among stablecoins pegged to a stable currency. They are backed by interest-bearing safe assets and can…

12/21/23 | CFS: Working Paper

The intersection of recent advancements in generative artificial intelligence and…

The intersection of recent advancements in generative artificial intelligence and blockchain technology has propelled digital art into the spotlight. Digital art pricing recognizes that…

11/11/23 | SAFE: Working Paper

Recent regulatory measures such as the European Union’s AI Act re-quire artificial…

Recent regulatory measures such as the European Union’s AI Act re-quire artificial intelligence (AI) systems to be explainable. As such, under-standing how explainability impacts human-AI…

Program area experts

Roland Broemel

Roland Broemel

Professur für Öffentliches Recht, Wirtschafts- und Währungsrecht, Finanzmarktregulierung und Rechtstheorie, IMFS
  • Marktregulierung
  • Digitale Transformation
  • Öffentliches Recht
Peter Gomber

Peter Gomber

Professor of e-Finance, University of Frankfurt; Co-Chair efl – The Data Science Institute
  • Trading
  • Market Microstructure
  • Digital Finance
Oliver Hinz

Oliver Hinz

Goethe Universität Frankfurt, SAFE, efl-the Data Science Institute
  • Digital Finance
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Electronic Markets
Katja Langenbucher

Katja Langenbucher

Goethe Universität; SciencesPo, Paris; Fordham Law School, NYC
  • Aktien- und Kapitalmarktrecht
  • FinTech
  • KI