The HoF building at the Westend Campus opened its doors in 2008 to provide a common roof for various departments and institutions at Goethe University Frankfurt dedicated to finance, economics, and law.
We are an incubator for new ideas
HoF is an interdisciplinary research community that is committed to generating new insights at the intersection of finance, economics, and law. Sharing our findings with the public and private sectors is an important aspect of our mission.
We are a hub for dialog and exchange
HoF is an important hub for knowledge sharing and networking in the domains of research and teaching. We enjoy close ties to a broad range of public and private institutions both within Germany and abroad.
In her keynote speech at the House of Finance New Year's Retreat, Fritzi Köhler-Geib, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, highlighted the importance of research…
In her keynote speech at the House of Finance New Year's Retreat, Fritzi Köhler-Geib, Member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, highlighted the importance of research…
Chair of Public Finance and Macroeconomics
Director, International Center for Insurance Regulation (ICIR)
Goethe University Frankfurt
Social Insurance
Demographic Change
Florian Heider
Sci. Director of the Leibniz Institute SAFE and Professor of Finance at Goethe University Frankfurt
Financial Intermediaries
Monetary Policy
Capital Structure of Companies
Volker Wieland
Chair of Monetary Economics, Managing Director of the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Inflation and Business Cycles
Financial Markets
Bernd Skiera
Lehrstuhl für Electronic Commerce, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Digitale Wirtschaft
Data Science
Mathias Trabandt
Goethe University Frankfurt
Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Oliver Hinz
Goethe Universität Frankfurt, SAFE, efl-the Data Science Institute
Digital Finance
Artificial Intelligence
Electronic Markets
Tobias Berg
Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Professor), SAFE (Research Fellow), IWH (Research Professor)
Simone Wies
Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business
Financing Dynamics of Marketing Strategy
Innovation Management
Performance Valuation of Marketing Assets
Raimond Maurer
Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lifecycle Portfolio Choice
Peter Gomber
Professor of e-Finance, University of Frankfurt; Co-Chair efl – The Data Science Institute
Market Microstructure
Digital Finance
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Professor of Macroeconomics and Development, Programme Director for Macroeconomics and Growth at the CEPR
Labor Economics
Endogenous Preferences
Michael Kosfeld
Goethe University Frankfurt, CEPR, IZA, and SAFE
Behavioral Economics
Experimental Economics
Organizational Economics
Michael Haliassos
Chair for Macroeconomics and Finance, Goethe University, IMFS, NETSPAR, CEPR
Household Finance
Mark Wahrenburg
Professur für Bankbetriebslehre, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
Commercial Banking
Investment Banking
Manfred Wandt
Institut für Versicherungsrecht FB 01, Institute for Law and Finance, International Center for Insurance Regulation
Internationales Haftungs- und Schadensrecht
Maik Schmeling
Goethe University Frankfurt und Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London
International Finance
Monetary Policy and Financial Markets
Leo Kaas
Department of Money and Macroeconomics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Goethe University Frankfurt
Labor Markets
Housing Markets
Katja Langenbucher
Goethe Universität; SciencesPo, Paris; Fordham Law School, NYC
Aktien- und Kapitalmarktrecht
Helmut Gründl
Chair for Insurance, Insurance Supervision and Insurance Regulation, sponsored by the German Insurance Association (GDV)
Director International Center for Insurance Regulation (ICIR), Goethe University Frankfurt
Insurance economics
Insurance regulation
Risk management
Ferdinand von Siemens
Goethe University Frankfurt, CESifo, SAFE
Behavioral Economics
Organizational Economics
Christine Laudenbach
Professor of Finance, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE & Goethe University
Household Finance
Behavioral Economics
Financial Education
Anna Rohlfing-Bastian
Goethe University, Chair of Accounting, especially Management Accounting
Incentives and Executive Compensation
Organizational Design
Andreas Hackethal
Professor for Personal Finance, Head of SAFE Pension Finance Lab, Co-Director CFS
Household Finance
Andreas Cahn
Institute for Law and Finance Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Alfons Weichenrieder
Goethe University Frankfurt; WU Vienna; Research Fellow SAFE; CESifo; Scientific Council at German Ministry of Finance
Taxation and Redistribution
Economic Policy
Environmental Economics
Alexander Hillert
Leibniz-Institut für Finanzmarktforschung SAFE und Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Empirical Finance
Natural Language Processing
Information and Capital Markets
Tobias Tröger
Goethe Universität, Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe LawFin; Leibnizinstitut SAFE, Cluster Law and Finance; IMFS Forschungsprofessor
Bank- und Finanzmarktregulierung
Sustainable Finance
Corporate Governance
Roland Broemel
Professur für Öffentliches Recht, Wirtschafts- und Währungsrecht, Finanzmarktregulierung und Rechtstheorie, IMFS
Digitale Transformation
Öffentliches Recht
Christian Schlag
Goethe University Frankfurt (Finance Department) and Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE
Asset pricing
Derivatives (options, futures)
Empirical capital market research
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Chair of Financial Markets and Macroeconomics and Member, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability
Numerical methods
Peter Andre
Assistant Professor of Behavioral Finance, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE & Goethe University
Behavioral Finance
Behavioral Economics
Michael Binder
Goethe University Frankfurt (Professor of Economics), IMFS (Research Professor) and GSEFM (Member of the Board)
Time-Series and Panel Data Econometrics
Computational Economics
Ulrich Schüwer
Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Research Affiliate am Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE
Naturkatastrophen und Klimawandel
Loriana Pelizzon
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE & Goethe University, Chair of Law and Finance
Financial Markets
Market Microstructure
Sovereign and Systemic Risk
Roman Inderst
Goethe Universität Frankfurt (Professor)
Green Finance
Consumer Protection
Rainer Haselmann
Chair of Finance, Accounting and Taxation, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Financial Regulation and Corporate Governance
Finance and Macroeconomics
Law and Finance
Florian Heeb
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt & MIT Sloan