05/29/24 | CFS, House of Finance: News

A third international workshop on green finance, organized by the House of Finance, provided a platform for comparing Japanese and European approaches

The green transformation of the economy is a global challenge. An international exchange of knowledge and expertise in this area is therefore more urgent than ever.

How do various countries' approaches differ, how successful have their efforts been and what can they learn from each other? On May 23 and 24, the CFS/House of Finance workshop “Green Transformation and Green Finance - Comparing Japanese and European approaches and options” offered a platform for an intensive two-day exchange between European and Japanese academics from the fields of economics and the social and natural sciences. It provided numerous scientific impulses, not least on strategies for the energy transition and sustainability reporting. The participants belong to the House of Finance’s international network, which also includes the Université Paris Dauphine and Waseda University Tokyo. More of these international, interdisciplinary workshops will be held in the future, with the aim to help regulators, standard setters, financial institutions and the real economy tackle the challenges of the ESG transformation process. Goethe University and the ISSB, which opened its Frankfurt office in 2023, recently agreed to a close cooperation, coordinated by the House of Finance and underpinned by the academic input of Goethe University and its partners.